They are offered through LERN Network, which provides outsourced classes to many community colleges and other organizations (through their "UGotClass" portal.)
In 2017 we are scheduled to teach three classes, each offered four times during the year.
The classes:
Intro to 3D Printing- Feb, Apr, Jun, SeptNEW! 3D Printed Science and Math: Visualizations and Experiments (about how to create good 3D printable science and math models to help visualize or to use to do experiments) - Mar, May, July, Oct
UPDATED class- tentative title - signups available mid-November: Prototyping with Maker Electronics (In 2016 was Intro to Maker Tech: The New Shop Class) - April, June, Aug, Nov
If your local college doesn't have our classes in their portal, we have them linked here and on our site at http://www.nonscriptum.com/classes.
Or if online isn't your thing and you are nearby, we are always happy to arrange custom training in Southern California locations!