First, we will be leading a workshop hosted by National University Alumni Association. It will be at National's facility near Los Angeles airport (LAX). The event is free and will be a survey of makertech for an hour followed by smaller-group demonstrations. Saturday, February 25 - registration is required and available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/national-universitys-maker-technologies-in-the-classroom-free-workshop-tickets-31732471677
If on the other hand, are you someone who has worked for a while making things with traditional technologies who is wondering whether 3D printing is for you or just for toys? We will be teaching a class at the fabulous SupplyFrame DesignLab in Pasadena the evening of Tuesday March 14. More details and tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3d-printing-to-make-useful-parts-tickets-31950527889
If on the other hand you're not nearby, in March we will have the inaugural run of our new online LERN Network class, "3D Printed Science and Math: Visualizations and Experiments." Registration at http://www.yougotclass.org/courses.cfm/MatterHackers/3D-Printed-Science-and-Math:-Visualizations-and-Experiments